Environmental Assessments
The management of environmental monitoring points and sampling of emissions is a significant responsibility for many facility operators. Many consultants offer environmental supply services but AMC have taken this further to develop a complete solution for our clients. We can provide everything from assessing monitoring equipment, through supply and installation of infrastructure and equipment to sample collect, analysis, assess and report. We provide a full range of services to operators of commercial, industrial, waste and water treatment facilities to measure and report on, environmental emissions.
We can provide:
installation of monitoring infrastructure
drilling of boreholes
supply and management of groundwater pumping systems
installation of flow monitoring equipment for water or effluent
sampling of landfill gas or air on site or at laboratories
trace gas and air quality sampling
dust and particulate sampling including PM 10, 2.5
noise and vibration
Our routine sampling service provides a guaranteed collection on the agreed frequency, delivery to the analytical laboratory and reporting on results in a format that you can provide directly to the regulator.
We also offer to maintain and repair equipment and sample points ensuring structures are painted, adequately signed, and in good working order. We maintain a full set of field spares for ongoing repairs and respond quickly to client needs. We offer specific tailored annual packages for waste and industrial facilities and reporting for everything specified in the licence or permit. This can help you optimise the use of staff and limit investment in specialised equipment and vehicles.